Saturday, November 25, 2017

በእርግጥ በኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ መሃከል ጥልቻ፣ በደልና ቂም በቀል አለ? – ከፊልጶስ

በእርግጥ በኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ መሃከል ጥልቻ፣ በደልና ቂም በቀል አለ? – ከፊልጶስ:   የትላንቱ እንቅፋት፣ ዛሬም ይመታናል የትላንቱ ገመድ፣ ዛሬም ይጠልፈናል ፤ ሰምተንም – አልሰማን፣ ሳሰማም ሰምተናል አይተንም – አላየን፣ ሳናይም አይተናል ላለመማር – መማር እኛ ተምረናል። አሁን… አሁን ”ከልሂቃኑ እስከ ኢ-ልሂቃኑ” ድረስ፤ ቀድም ብሎ …

Thursday, November 16, 2017

በንግስት ይርጋ ላይ የተፈፀመ ጭካኔ – ጌታቸው ሽፈራው

በንግስት ይርጋ ላይ የተፈፀመ ጭካኔ – ጌታቸው ሽፈራው: መስከረም 5/2009 ዓም ከምሽቱ 1:00 ሳንጃ ከተማ የተያዝኩ ሲሆን ወዲያውኑ እንደተያዝኩ በተፈፀ

በንግስት ይርጋ ላይ የተፈፀመ ጭካኔ – ጌታቸው ሽፈራው

በንግስት ይርጋ ላይ የተፈፀመ ጭካኔ – ጌታቸው ሽፈራው: መስከረም 5/2009 ዓም ከምሽቱ 1:00 ሳንጃ ከተማ የተያዝኩ ሲሆን ወዲያውኑ እንደተያዝኩ በተፈፀ

ግልጽ ደብዳቤ ይድረስ ለአቶ ለማ መገርሳ የኦሮሞ ክልል ፕሬዚደንት – ከፍቅሬ ቶሎሳ ጅግሳ (ፕሮፌሰር)

ግልጽ ደብዳቤ ይድረስ ለአቶ ለማ መገርሳ የኦሮሞ ክልል ፕሬዚደንት – ከፍቅሬ ቶሎሳ ጅግሳ (ፕሮፌሰር): ይድረስ  ለአቶ  ገዱ  አን

ግልጽ ደብዳቤ ይድረስ ለአቶ ለማ መገርሳ የኦሮሞ ክልል ፕሬዚደንት – ከፍቅሬ ቶሎሳ ጅግሳ (ፕሮፌሰር)

ግልጽ ደብዳቤ ይድረስ ለአቶ ለማ መገርሳ የኦሮሞ ክልል ፕሬዚደንት – ከፍቅሬ ቶሎሳ ጅግሳ (ፕሮፌሰር): ይድረስ  ለአቶ  ገዱ  አን

የፀረ ሽብር አዋጁ ሰለባዎች ቤተሰብ – በጌታቸው ሺፈራው

የፀረ ሽብር አዋጁ ሰለባዎች ቤተሰብ – በጌታቸው ሺፈራው: የታወጀበት ቤተሰብ የአቶ አበበ አስፋው[/capt

Monday, November 13, 2017

የህብር ሬዲዮ ህዳር 3 ቀን 2010 ፕሮግራም

የህብር ሬዲዮ ህዳር 3 ቀን 2010 ፕሮግራም:  የሕወሓት አዲሱ የብሄራዊ ደህነት ምክር ቤት እና የሕዝቡ የውጥ ፍላጎት፣በኦህዴድ እና ብአዴን ውስጥ የታዩ ለውጥ ደጋፊዎች፣የተቃዋሚዎች ሚናና የወደፊት የአገሪቷ ዕጣ ላይ ከሁለ�

Monday, November 6, 2017

Sheik Mohamed Al Amoudi’s Arrest and its Implications to Ethiopia - by Amanuel Biedemariam - Satenaw: Ethiopian News|Breaking News: Your right to know!

Sheik Mohamed Al Amoudi’s Arrest and its Implications to Ethiopia - by Amanuel Biedemariam - Satenaw: Ethiopian News|Breaking News: Your right to know!: Over the years, particularly from 1991 until present, one of the key players that helped shape the political dynamics of the region is Mohammad al-Amoudi.

Sheik Mohamed Al Amoudi’s Arrest and its Implications to Ethiopia - by Amanuel Biedemariam - Satenaw: Ethiopian News|Breaking News: Your right to know!

Sheik Mohamed Al Amoudi’s Arrest and its Implications to Ethiopia - by Amanuel Biedemariam - Satenaw: Ethiopian News|Breaking News: Your right to know!: Over the years, particularly from 1991 until present, one of the key players that helped shape the political dynamics of the region is Mohammad al-Amoudi.

Sheik Mohamed Al Amoudi’s Arrest and its Implications to Ethiopia - by Amanuel Biedemariam - Satenaw: Ethiopian News|Breaking News: Your right to know!

Sheik Mohamed Al Amoudi’s Arrest and its Implications to Ethiopia - by Amanuel Biedemariam - Satenaw: Ethiopian News|Breaking News: Your right to know!: Over the years, particularly from 1991 until present, one of the key players that helped shape the political dynamics of the region is Mohammad al-Amoudi.

Oromo-Amhara Accord: Hope for Ethiopia’s Future - by Addissu Admas - Satenaw: Ethiopian News|Breaking News: Your right to know!

Oromo-Amhara Accord: Hope for Ethiopia’s Future - by Addissu Admas - Satenaw: Ethiopian News|Breaking News: Your right to know!: The fact that Ethiopia is presently ruled by representatives of a minority nationality may puzzle, surprise, or aggrieve any reasonable Ethiopian. But a cl

Oromo-Amhara Accord: Hope for Ethiopia’s Future - by Addissu Admas - Satenaw: Ethiopian News|Breaking News: Your right to know!

Oromo-Amhara Accord: Hope for Ethiopia’s Future - by Addissu Admas - Satenaw: Ethiopian News|Breaking News: Your right to know!: The fact that Ethiopia is presently ruled by representatives of a minority nationality may puzzle, surprise, or aggrieve any reasonable Ethiopian. But a cl

Oromo-Amhara Accord: Hope for Ethiopia’s Future - by Addissu Admas - Satenaw: Ethiopian News|Breaking News: Your right to know!

Oromo-Amhara Accord: Hope for Ethiopia’s Future - by Addissu Admas - Satenaw: Ethiopian News|Breaking News: Your right to know!: The fact that Ethiopia is presently ruled by representatives of a minority nationality may puzzle, surprise, or aggrieve any reasonable Ethiopian. But a cl

OMN Documentary Film From Bedeno to Buno Bedele - Satenaw: Ethiopian News|Breaking News: Your right to know!

OMN Documentary Film From Bedeno to Buno Bedele - Satenaw: Ethiopian News|Breaking News: Your right to know!: OMN Documentary Film From Bedeno to Buno Bedele

Thursday, November 2, 2017

ዓለም አቀፍ የኢትዮጵያውያን ማኅበር ምሥረታ አስፈላጊነት – ከብርሃን ጌትነት አየለ

ዓለም አቀፍ የኢትዮጵያውያን ማኅበር ምሥረታ አስፈላጊነት – ከብርሃን ጌትነት አየለ:  የማይለመድ ነገር የለም ቀስ በቀስ ሁሉንም ተላመድነው ። ሲያንገላቱን  ዝም ፣ ሲያፈናቅሉን ዝም ፣ ሲገሉን ፣ ለስደት ሲዳርጉን ፣ ሲከፋፍሉንና ሲለያዩን ብሎም አንዱን የደገፉ መስ